A solid foundation of sustainability and social responsibility

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles aren’t new to Cintas. They’ve been engrained in our company since the beginning.

我们以环境为重点的起源始于大约100年前,当时Doc和Amelia Farmer收集了当地工厂扔掉的肮脏的商店破布,将它们带回家洗净,并将干净的破布卖回了公司。Doc和Amelia当时还没有意识到这一点,但是他们正在创建我们的可持续业务模式,直到今天一直保持不变。

Over the years, we’ve never lost sight of that recycle, reduce and reuse mindset — even as we’ve expanded our business lines to include统一的租赁和直接销售,设施服务,急救和安全以及消防。

Our commitment extends beyond sustainability. We’re also dedicated to social responsibility, making sure our employee-partners feel engaged and supported in their careers and professional growth, fostering diverse and inclusive work environments, and maintaining world-class safety standards. And just as important is our strong and ethical governance approach — upholding good business practices and complying with laws and regulations that preserve the integrity of our company.

A vision for the future

Today, Cintas is embarking on a bold sustainability journey that will take us into the future. By evaluating our operational processes and exploring new ways to reduce the natural resources we use, our ambition is to achieveNet Zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050.

We’re extremely proud of the progress we’ve made so far, but our spirit of positive discontent is inspiring us to aim even higher. Through our ongoing innovation and ESG-related initiatives, we’re driven to make a more positive impact on the world around us.

We know this is an ambitious vision, especially in our industry. It will require us to continually refine our environmental stewardship goals and implement new technologies into our business, many of which are in development or are just conceptual at this point. But we are up to the task.

As we’ve proven through the years, making improvements in our thinking and our processes not only improves our business — it has made us a good corporate citizen.

"Our Net Zero ambition will challenge our entire company to think even more critically about our business and create more sustainable ways to help our customers getReady for the Workday®."

Todd Schneider
President and Chief Executive Officer


  • 将我们的总能源使用率降低了6.9%
  • Lowered our water consumption by 5.1% from FY20
  • Diverted 94.4% of our waste from landfill through various reuse and recycle efforts
  • Spent $387.7 million with diverse suppliers, representing 16.9% of our total supplier spend – both company records
  • Lowered our employee-partners’ Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) to 1.70, the company’s best-ever mark
  • Donated $3.8 million worth of PPE and other safety products to local communities to support
  • Ranked No. 410 on the 2021 Fortune 500, our highest ever ranking
  • Recognized as one of Forbes’ “Best Employers for Diversity”
  • 在销售Power的“ 50家最佳公司出售”列表中排名第六
  • 被残疾平等指数评为“残疾纳入最佳工作场所”


Watch the video below to learn more about our Cintas ESG journey and our vision of where we believe we are headed.